Sunday, July 23, 2006


Well, all the kid-talk of the previous post and an afternoon spent looking through the dozen albums that my parents compiled to remind them of my childhood, had to lead to this.

Every time I delve into my past,
Some things never fail to overwhelm.
School days, I can never forget,
Childhood memories forever will stay.
The rain, the wind, the games, the mall,
Some lovely friends, most of all.
The boss at school, the boss at play,
I thought I was born to be king.
Lady luck never stopped smiling at me,
Worries and Tensions, none for me.
School was something I always looked forward to,
The gossip, the fights, the teachers and tests.
I wasn’t really good at play,
Yet, in everything I had a say.
The annual days, the jamun trees,
The badminton and cricket matches,
The bonds of love and friendship,
Everything comes back to me in a jiffy.
Emotions take me over…
I declare once again…
“Those were the days of Glory!
The best part of my life’s story!”


Anonymous said...

hmm... nice thots... seriously school dys (and now probably even engrr dys!!!) were the best... esp in school-no tensions...:) and ya-u shud tell me abt some gossip... u were up2 it frm school!!!!!!

MountCleverest said...

aaah, the glorious school days...
but seriously its not just abt days, its life per se...
you keep moving and you keep missing what you have left behind...
it might even be bad(depending on the viewpoint) but you always
manage to find one viewpoint which makes you remember and miss the days

school, college, ilp....
i wonder if i will ever miss these work days at TCS though...

freespirit said...

Well I agree u miss everything that passes by, but somehow, my school days will always remain closest to my heart! :)

freespirit said...

And raghav,u know i really dont mean everything i write in my poems! :)!